Thursday, 24 May 2012

Vietnam - Hanoi Day 1-2

Hanoi at night
Ok I am terrible I haven't put a post up in ages! So a few weeks ago I went to Vietnam for 13 days with a my friend Erin from Australia we flew into Hanoi and out of Saigon and only booked the first 2 nights before we left. We Flew from Hong Kong to Hanoi Vietnam, arrived at 8 after being delayed in Hong Kong on the plane for an hour boooo and we were suppose to be met by a car, but that didn't happen.

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Pomelo Salsa

I am still trying to get my posts together from my trip to Vietnam, I promise to get the first 1 done in the next few days...  This is some salsa I made awhile ago but seem to have forgotten to post for some reason. Hope you enjoy!