Saturday, 27 December 2014

Christmas Parsnip Soup (Grossmummy's curried parsnip soup :)

My stomach has been quite sore recently and besides cutting out quite a few foods for awhile and taking some natural remedies my natural health doctor has suggested that I eat more soup!

Sunday, 2 November 2014

Hai by Goga by Bradley Turley

Tuna Edamame & Potato Salad - enoki and golden thread mushrooms, wasabi aioli ¥150

Just realised that I never actually published this and didn't quite finish either anyways the food is delicious so here is what I have written. I am off to Shanghai on Wednesday and looking forward to my next meal at Hai by Goga which is just around the corner from my hotel.

House salad with Grilled Halloumi and Grated Beet

I almost want to leave this post with one line, my flatmate ate this salad and had seconds!
But I guess i will have to go into the topic a bit more because you don't know Cribs. He doesn't like most vegetables especially mushrooms, possibly carrots, mashed potatoes and many more but I cannot think of them right now.

Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Gluten/Dairy Free Chocolate Almond Meal Cake

I made almond milk for the first time the other day and was seriously surprised how good it was. After making the milk I had a bunch of almond meal left over so I decided to try making a gluten and dairy free almond meal cake. After searching around Pinterest I came across this recipe from Edible Perspective, it looked good and had lots of nice comments so I decided to give it a go!

How to make Almond Milk

Generally I just buy nut milk from the grocery store but thought I would give making my own a try.It’s actually quite easy and it tastes wayyyy better then the stuff from the grocery store. I recently picked up a nut milk bag, and had  grand plans of waking up before work and making nut milk. I put the almonds to soak on Thursday night, I woke up on Friday morning but the desire to sleep in a bit longer resulted in no nut milk. 

Thursday, 17 July 2014

Iron Foodie Entry: Spiced Pork Tacos with Fresh Mango Salsa

I recently entered the Iron Foodie contest i didn't win this time but got 71 votes which i pretty stoked about. Anyways keep watching chopcookdine on Facebook and instagram as i am planning on entering more recipes in upcoming contests!
Iron Foodie Entry: Spiced Pork Tacos with Fresh Mango Salsa

Mu Shu Pork 木須肉

I had recently seen cloud ears when walking through the market, so i decided to try to make Mu Shu Pork one of my favorite Chinese dishes from when i was little. I want to try and cook a new dish every few weeks trying to use something i am not completely familiar with from the wet market.

Monday, 30 June 2014

How To: Cook Artichokes & Spicy Grilled Artichokes

I did something stupid... I took a bunch of photos on how to cook artichokes then i deleted them...i thought i had already uploaded them to my computer gurrrrr So this is the second set of almost the exactly same photos! I was lucky to find artichokes again they don't often have such nice ones in Hong Kong.

Friday, 23 May 2014

Hongkongese Roasted Pork Tacos 燒肉

Being a typical Hongkongese expat I have decided to make wednesday night my stay at home cooking night, why you may ask? well my helper comes on Thursday and I want to try to avoid doing my dishes!

Wednesday, 23 April 2014

My Top 8 Kitchen Tools

I have tons of tools in my kitchen but there are a few that never seem to leave my drying rack...They get used before they get put away :) I picked 8 because 8 is a lucky number Hong Kong so here you go in no particular order!

Sunday, 20 April 2014

Beef Bourguignon - gluten free

Serves: 2 Preparation Time: 15 minutes Cooking Time: 3 hours 

Beef Bourguignon 

3 Tablespoons olive oil
10 shallots
3 stems of thyme
3 cloves of garlic
1 lb beef fingers, chopped into large chucks
3 Tablespoons gluten free all purpose flour
1/2 bottle of cheap red wine
3 carrots chopped into large chunks

1. Chop shallots and garlic.
2. Heat oil in a cocotte or large pot that has a lid.
3. Add chopped shallots and garlic and sauté for a few minutes.
4. Add half of meat chunks and sear for approximately 3-4, remove seared meat from pan and repeat with rest of beef.
5. Lower heat and return all beef to pan, sprinkle flour over the beef and stir.
6. Add the thyme and wine to pot.
6. Make sure flame is very low and simmer for 2 hours, stir occasionally. If too much liquid evaporates no msg beef stock can be added. If it is to wet remove the lid for awhile.
7. Add chopped carrots and simmer for an additional hour.

Serve with either mashed potatoes or gluten free pasta

Mashed Potatoes 
4 russet potatoes
3 Tablespoons low fat cream cheese
2 Tablespoons butter
1/4 cup milk

1. Bring a pot of salted water to boil.
2. Peel potatoes, cut into large pieces.
3. Add potatoes to boiling water, boil for about 10 minutes or until they are soft (when you poke with fork the fork should come out easily)
4. Drain potatoes
5. Return to pot add cream cheese, butter and milk and mash until smooth.

Sunday, 6 April 2014

Breakfast tacos with avocado salsa - gluten free

When trying to be gluten free is pretty difficult when trying to eat out for breakfast. Ordering eggs without toast kinda sucks and if you order extra potatoes with your breakfast in Hong Kong it seams

Thursday, 27 March 2014

Greek Salad

bo trying to get some greek salad 

This recipe has been sitting in drafts folder since the summer...  Oops I haven't put anything up on my blog for ages this seems to be a reoccurring topic on my blog...must up posts more often.  Ok now for my excuses i have been far to lazy to take any photos and for awhile a lot of food was making me feel pretty sick...