Monday, 5 November 2012

Recipe Books

I have a lot of cookbooks! I don't think I realised how many I had until I put them out on the table today 69! They are not all mine (some are my moms) but I think I have bought about 50 of them, and I don't think I am going to stop buying them anytime soon. The photos always look so good and I generally think it's better to buy a cookbook instead of a magazine because they last longer. (well that's my excuse anyway). I even have a double of The Australian Woman's Weekly "Tapas Bar" oops... And truthfully I don't really ever use the cookbooks, I like to look at the pictures... sometimes I get inspiration from the recipes but end up changing a lot of the ingredients so they don't really resemble the original recipe. The reason I got all my cookbooks out is, I am planning on starting to teach cooking lessons to kids and want to get some inspiration for healthy but tasty ideas that kids would enjoy cooking. So keep posted and see what I come up with. Naomi

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