Thursday, 27 October 2011

Fresh Red Rock Crab

This summer while I was in Canada, I visited my family at the beach house on Denman Island. On the way to Denman we decided we should try to go fishing, so we stopped to get some fishing licenses!  The guy at the shop suggested we try out some crabbing as well, so we purchased the cheapest crab trap that they had - I think it was C$10. When we arrived, my boyfriend, cousin and I set out in the row boat with the trap, a chicken drum stick and some pink Croc shoes for a float. With my cousin rowing we dropped the trap and waited... 20 minutes later nothing; only seaweed. But we didn't give up; we rowed out a bit further to try our luck again. We dropped the trap a second time and went off for a row. When we returned about half an hour later we couldn't believe our luck - we had netted ourselves 4 healthy specimens, and they were big enough to keep! We were hooked(!); we dropped the trap a few more times and got about 3 more crabs. (We ended up throwing a few smaller ones back and kept the best ones.)

As we rowed back to the house in the warm BC summer afternoon sun, we discussed what we thought would be the most humane way of killing them. I had a quick look on Google and decided we had two choices: 1) Throw them in boiling water; 2) Break them in half and then throw them in boiling water.  After much discussion we chose the latter option, but we were being kinda chicken so we enlisted the help of a member of the shore party to do the first one (I think we thought they were going to attack us!) After the first one went smoothly we all had a go...

For cooking we dropped them in a big pot of boiling water and cooked them for about 7 minutes. We made two very simple dipping sauces:  

                        Garlic Butter                                                       Lime Mayonnaise
                              butter                                                                    mayonnaise 
                        garlic minced                                                    fresh squeezed lime juice
                                                                                                     fresh ground pepper

Garlic Butter:  Melt butter on stove; add minced garlic.

Lime Mayonnaise:  Mix all ingredients together.

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